What’s to know about Wisdom?

Cleric in the Snow

In AD&D Wisdom seems pretty straight forward with little room for confusion – or IS there? It might be time to take a closer look. Previously we have taken a closer look at Strength and Intelligence, now it’s time to look into Wisdom and…

Do you make these mistakes with Intelligence?

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1E) approaches intelligence and spell use in a way that often gets house-ruled and glazed over. Previously we took a look at Strength, now we take a closer look at Intelligence. Intelligence and IQ In the PLayer’s Handbook 1E (Easley…

AD&D Strength – A look at the numbers


Strength in Game Terms For this entry, and all others in this vein, I reiterate “in game terms”. Looking closely at strength and abilities in game mechanics always shines a light on flaws of physics, reality, or dice rolls. We have to suspend some…

It’s time for a NEW adventure!

The Bogey of Brindle is the latest adventure module from Fail Squad Games. The Kickstarter backers are just about to receive their Fifth Edition copies and you can now PRE-ORDER your 1E / OSRIC copies direct from the FSG webstore. 1E Modules will be…

Identify – Are you doing it wrong?

If you are like me, and possibly many other 1E / OSRIC gamers, you are using the Identify spell completely wrong! Part of my expectations for the spell came from my Commodore 64 days where most information regarding a magic item could be gleaned by…

Personal Journey to 5E (Part 2)

This continues my journey to learn and adopt 5E into my work and life. My first impressions are here. It is my hope that my friends from the OSR will be able to take in my account of what happens when an old 1E fart…