Get rid of the mid-winter blues once and for all!


EverconThe Heart of Wisconsin has Games!

Wausau Wisconsin is the location for this dead-of-winter gaming convention where you can warm your toes and your dice. It’s worth the trip to attend ans has been a long running con. Their new location holds great promise and the list of games is always expanding. This might be the best way to beat the mid-winter blues!

From the FB page:

Over the last 16 years Evercon has grown from a small, school-run event with a handful of gamers to a 1,000+ attendee gaming convention. Evercon brings gamers from across WI and nearby states who gather each January in Wausau, WI so they can start the new year enjoying their hobby with like-minded, dedicated gamers.

The convention features role-playing games, board games, fantasy and historical miniature gaming, collectible card games, and video gaming. Evercon is for the fantasy and sci-fi gaming enthusiast. Evercon features a Dealer Hall, Artists and Authors, and some of the best gaming you can find to start the new year off right. If you are a gaming fan, don’t miss out on Evercon!

Join me this year in attending, Fail Squad Games has a vendor table and Lloyd Metcalf as a special guest!

Click here to check out their Tabletop page.




5 Steps to become a better artist

Lloyd Metcalf

Lloyd Metcalf All artists struggle to improve and it can really feel like we have hit a wall sometimes. I was flat against the wall until I did these 5 simple things that helped sling shot my ability forward.

The Struggle is real

Many artists face this struggle and frustration. A place of stagnation finds you even though you might draw and draw. Still you think you SUCK!! Many artists will try new paints, new materials, new paper, but in the end, you are facing the same frustrating issues in your work with dead results.

Some of the following tips are the basics and may be common knowledge, but I present them for the struggling artist that may not realize there are solutions. Perhaps it’s something no one has ever told you before. I wish I had heard about this MUCH earlier in life.

  • Get a crappy sketchbook

This is something many artists overlook. The value of a lousy sketchbook. In a world full of $50 moleskins in coffee shops, artists might feel like every single doodle needs to be a masterpiece. At $50 for 20 pages, anyone would feel that pressure. Find a cheap crappy sketchbook that can travel with you. Better yet, recycle old paper stapled together. Whatever you do, don’t make it something you are emotionally or financially attached to. Bound books do make it more likely that they travel with you. The pressure of only drawing on fine paper removes the freedom to experiment wildly without pressure.

  • Don’t show anyone what you have done

For an artist trying to “get their name out there” this might seem counter intuitive, but it isn’t.  This new crappy sketchbook is for you ONLY, and not a showpiece. This is your thought train, your study notes. Like a writer’s outline, nothing that goes in this will be a finished product. In order to improve and make use of your time with pencil on paper, you must be able to do it without pressure. you MUST be ok with failing so you can learn and grow.

  • Draw what you see

This is probably the BIGGEST one of all five. It’s shocking how many artists both pro and amateur don’t do this. The thing that has helped me improve my work more than anything else, is simply looking at something and drawing it on paper. It seems dumb, it seems lame, it seems boring… but it will help you grow by leaps and bounds in very short order.

Staring at people can become uncomfortable, so draw anything in front of you. Fire hydrants, plants, dogs, work into drawing people when they aren’t looking. If you are extremely uncomfortable drawing people in public, find a life drawing session or class nearby.

If you are still on edge about this, pull up sites like or simply google an arbitrary topic, then draw the first 3 things that pop up. Remember though, that drawing things from the computer screen is about half as effective as drawing something you are standing in front of. Do this daily and you WILL become a better artist – without question. Don’t draw from your imagination, draw things in front of you, then later apply that knowledge to fantasy images.

  • Don’t mindlessly draw

I spent many many many years doing this, and I wasn’t improving or doing anything other than enforcing bad habits and spinning my wheels. Mindless doodles are fun if nothing is going on. I get it. When you do it you are MINDLESS in your doodle. start becoming MINDFUL if you doodle. If your pencil is on some paper draw something in front of you instead of drawing loops or that same old eye you always do. Draw the edge of your desk, that paperclip, the buttons on your monitor, your foot. In short order, you will be able to do this while talking on the phone, or whatever it is that led you to doodle.

When I did this, I would find myself ruining my actual drawing sessions. I would automatically start making lines and shapes before I had a plan. Mindless work had reinforced this habit of unfocused art.

  • Do it everyday

Ok, I am guilty of not doing this. So many things come up in life but really, I am making excuses. I played Minecraft for a full 20 minutes today that I could have been drawing something.

Looking at something and drawing it in your crappy sketchbook without the intent of showing anyone, will become automatic before long. Every time you do it, you are adding to your muscle memory and your visual library (something you can call on when no reference is available). Every stroke may reveal a little “swoop” shape in hair, a turn in finger placement, or a neat thing to shade that will stick in your experience.

But I want to paint!

Drawing is at the core of all these things, so drawing should be part of your life. Painting is just drawing with paint. Drawing is the boiled down version of representing something on a support.

There is also a solution for painters though. Recently I slapped some gesso on pages of a multimedia sketchbook. Then I can just plop down and paint something that is in front of me. I do it with a minimal palette or even a monochrome one. I don’t intend on showing anyone what I paint, and use it in the same way I do my crappy sketchbook.

Follow these 5 steps and you will likely improve, I certainly have.

Do you have further tips? Do you have something in your crappy sketchbook you HAVE to share? Pop it in the comments below!

Now go DRAW!




Eric Bloat reveals what’s in the Lands of Lunacy box

Eric Bloat

Lands of Lunacy

Eric Bloat Reveals the Secrets of the Lands of Lunacy Box

Eric Bloat, of Bloat games has been an outspoken supporter of Lands of Lunacy and was an early backer. Now that the setting guide has been rolling out to all the backers Eric reveals what’s in his box.

It’s worth the 3:30 minute reveal as he gives his first impressions of the book and the contents of his standard backing package. Eric knows games and keeps his thumb on the pulse of the OSR RPG world. I won’t lie when I say I was a little nervous when I saw the video pop up. I hoped we would be up to snuff with expectations.

If you Missed it Ol’ Man Grognard also did a review of the Lands of Lunacy Setting and you can see that HERE.

You can now order your Lands of Lunacy setting guide in the Webstore under the Lands of Lunacy section. You can order 1E & OSRIC or 5E, PDF or Print right now!

Thank you for the kind words Eric, and if you would like to see the TED talk he refers to, click here.

Do you have an unboxing video of Lands of Lunacy? Review? A video of your Lands of Lunacy Game? Share it with us, let us know how it went… and if your sanity survived!

AD&D Strength – A look at the numbers



Strength in Game Terms

For this entry, and all others in this vein, I reiterate “in game terms”. Looking closely at strength and abilities in game mechanics always shines a light on flaws of physics, reality, or dice rolls. We have to suspend some amount of disbelief for the fun of the game.

What 3-18 MeansMilitary Press

In AD&D (1E) E Gary Gygax abbreviates the numbers to physical upper body strength. A person with a 3 is assumed to Military press 30 lbs over their head. Those of 18 – 180 lbs.  A military press is lifting the weight from the shoulders, then over the head.

What’s interesting is the following charts from Cody Blog.

Military Press: Women

Bodyweight Un-trained 6-9 mo. training
114 36 49
123 38 52
132 40 55
148 44 60
165 48 65
181 51 70

Military Press: Men

Bodyweight Un-trained 6-9 mo. training
132 61 84
148 69 94
165 75 102
181 81 110
198 85 116
220 89 122

It would appear that (No surprise) Gary did his homework again. Over-all the average runs into about 9-11. The variant from women to men is a bit surprising, although I know a number of ladies who laugh at these numbers. These numbers are, however, meant to be averages of average folks. In real world terms, I think this assumes more weight to mean muscle weight.

AD&D DOES make the maximum numbers different based on sex. This may sit awkwardly with many gamers now, and usually gets house over-ruled. It would appear that some research was done on averages pertaining to gender.

Exceptional or Not

In AD&D 1E only fighters are allowed exceptional strength. Most DMs rule that that means only single classed fighters are allowed this benefit. What is interesting, and often not considered, is that no penalties apply until a character has a 7 STR. A bonus doesn’t appear until STR 16, where there is also a 10% XP bonus. On the STR table pg 9 that means a “regular” character strength is between 8-15 (80-150lb military press).

In later editions a fighter with a 9 Strength is laughed at, or thought of as a ‘dirt’ character. In the classic beginnings, a 9 strength for a fighter, the minimum requirement, is also completely feasible and without penalty.

The lesser benefits are affected, Opening doors, weight, etc. but the core of the battle mechanics remain.

So What?

I think this “mediocrity” range explains a number of things in 1E modules. +1, +2, +3 swords flew around like leaves in the wind. Magical rings, helmets, and shields were standard fare for characters level 2 or 3 and up. These items don’t upset the balance of the game because common characters were frequently without bonus. Adventures were also famously deadly.

A closer look at the numbers gives a little inspiration to play the “average joe” turned fighter.

Where some see AD&D abilities, caps, and limits to be restrictive, I find them to be a challenge, and liberating. A cause for strategy, planning and clever spell use. It is cause for a DM to let loose with legendary items of great power, items that drive epic stories.

Have you ever played average stats in an epic character?

It might be time.



Also see the articles on Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma.

FSG Interviews Chris Hinson from RPG Crate!

Chris Hinson RPG Crate

Chris Hinson RPG CrateAn interview with Chris Hinson of RPG Crate

I had an opportunity to interview Chris Hinson, founder of RPG Crate recently to ask some of the more pressing questions that have been floating around. The Q&A below:

Who is Chris Hinson? Where are you from?

Born and raised in North Little Rock Arkansas, although most of my adult life has been spent traveling and working.  In 2008 my family and I decided to put down and grow roots in Northwest Arkansas.  We love the natural state, fresh air, fantastic schools and quite a vibrant art scene here.

How long have you been a gamer?

1985, I was 13 and I spent my $15 birthday money on the Red Dragon, Dungeons & Dragons Box set – and I’ve been hooked ever since.

If you and a few friends were stuck on a desert island, and could only have one game…. What would it be?

I have friends?  After getting over that revelation, I just hope someone has a d6 and a d20.  Everything else is purely academic.

What inspired you to create RPG Crate?

It was truly one of those “light bulb” moments.  Standing in my hallway, looking over the hundreds of RPG books on my shelf, and not one single item that I could just pick up and have a game without spending hours of preparation…it occurred to me there had to be a better way.

What sets RPG Crate apart from other subscription services?RPG Crate

Definitely the exclusive commissioned art, adventure cards, and miniatures.  So much of the content is special only for RPGCrate.

What were some of the 2016 crate highlights?

The Pathfinder Pawns I got at a great price and passed that straight down to our members…October was a favorite month for a lot of people.  That’s without spoilers for December though…there is definitely a blow-out item this month.

There’s been a lot of buzz about 2016 crates, anything exciting about 2017 you can tell us about?

There is in fact a VERY big announcement for 2017, and it’s related to membership loyalty.  All I can say right now is that sticking around as a long term member will be rewarded.

How much is the crate?

$29.89 + shipping

Where can folks sign up?

Any closing thoughts?

I can’t wait to announce the January theme…and start teasing everyone with “you know what”…  Kicking off 2017 with something that no other crate has done is unbelievably exciting as well, and you know a little something about that piece.

Thank you Chris. The more I hear about the crate and see what’s in it, the better it sounds.
And yes it’s true, there is Lloyd Metcalf Art going into the crate every month for this first year!

If you have a video or post about “Opening a Crate” or review of Chris’ RPG Crate, post a link in the comments!

Do your Amazon reviews help indie publishers?

Amazon Reviews

Amazon Reviews

Should You Review?

Reviewing products on Amazon isn’t something that we always consider as important or “contributing to the community”. Many 3PP (Third Party Publishers) have products on Amazon and reviews by readers and gamers can make a real difference. A difference for other gamers AND those who produce the products.

No one is asking for a false review or flattery, but honest feedback on the site. If you have read, used, and have a familiarity with any product on Amazon, you can leave a product review.

How does it help?

Reviews contribute by

  • Adding personal experience with the product to other gamers.
  • Reviewing a product boosts it in recommendations to other gamers when they browse the site.
  • Makes more associations and higher traffic to the keywords used.
  • Increases exposure for the producer, yourself, and the target keywords.
  • Boosts raw sales for the product in the long run.

Want to contribute more than a review?

After an amazon review, for products you truly enjoy or use, sharing the link on your own personal social media is the golden ticket all RPG publishers hope for. Your personal recommendation to your circle of friends, no matter the size, keeps the hobby and the indie producers going.

So hop on over to Amazon, Barnes & Noble or other places to see if your favorite publishers have products listed, and let the world know what you thought.

Start right now:
Lands of Lunacy on Amazon

Lands of Lunacy on Barnes & Noble